Technical eBooks and White Papers

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CGM Modeler eBook

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

See CGM Modeler in action across different industries and workflows and learn about examples to help you easily understand how CGM Modeler can elevate your application.

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ACAM White Paper Cover Picture

Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining

This White Paper introduces and explores Automatic CAM. What it is; what processes enable it; and how it elevates your application.

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Application Lifecycle Management

Application Lifecycle Management 

This eBook introduces and explores Application Lifecycle Management. What it is; what different choices and options you have; and how it elevates your application.

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The Furutre of CAM Workflows

The Future of CAM Workflows

This eBook explores current and future workflows for Computer-Aided Manufacturing as well as ways to elevate your CAM.

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Additive Manufacturing_ Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins

Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins

This eBook explores the various scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer a complete solution, and the impact each has on revenue and margins.

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Healing as an Essential Function_

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Learn why healing of 3D models is required, what actions 3D InterOp performs prior to healing, and details of the healing process.

eBook – Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models
5 Essential Functions of ACIS

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Dive into the 5 essential functions of 3D ACIS Modeler, including creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

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How to Successfully Develop, Deploy 3D Applications

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Successfully developing, deploying, and supporting 3D applications is a substantial challenge, requiring significant investment, precise execution, and focus on innovation and differentiation. Explore this eBook to discover the top 10 reasons to embrace Spatial's 3D SDK for improving 3D application development

Free eBook - How to Successfully Develop, Deploy & Support 3D Applications

A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers

A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers

This is a 3 part eBook series developed to educate Machine Tool Suppliers on the various strategies that will help them achieve their ultimate goal of selling more hardware. 

Part 1: Software: The Machine Tool Vendor's Dilemma

Part 2: Strategies for Machine Tool Vendors to Differentiate with Software

Part 3: Selecting the Right Software Development Toolkit: Its More Than Just Software

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Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes

Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes

Translating 3D CAD data files for application interoperability is a given part of today’s Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) workflow; providing a predictable and productive user experience is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity! Learn more about 3D Interoperability.

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The Second Life of Data_

The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

This whitepaper explains model repair and validation, the effects of model repair on modeling operations, and details various test results.

Whitepaper: The Second Life of Data; How 3D InterOp from Spatial Powers
Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Learn the characteristics of an optimal CAD file interoperability solution; why accurate data exchange matters; and covers data exchange in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement applications.  

Whitepaper-CAD data exchange
8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Find out why companies choose to replace a home grown graphics solution, and what is involved with a switch to HOOPS Visualize.

Whitepaper-8 Reasons to Switch to HOOPS


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