spatial ebooks & whitepapers
The Second Life of Data: How 3D Interop from Spatial Powers Data Reuse
Why is Quality Important in Data Translation?
Consider the following:
If you enter the following quote from William Shakespeare into a popular online translation tool:
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
It returns the following Korean translation:
“그것은 우리의 운명을 보유 할 수있는 별에 있지만 자신의하지 않습니다.”
Translated back to English, we get the following translation:
"It can hold our destiny in the stars, but it does not own."
The translation broke down somewhere but, unless you are fluent in English and Korean, you don't know where. The same circumstances can exist for the translation of CAD data between applications.
This whitepaper highlights the expectations and challenges of data translation and the importance of model repair and validation.
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