建築、エンジニアリング、建設 (AEC)



AECのためのアプリケーション開発には特別な要件があります。スペイシャルの開発ソリューションは、AECアプリケーション プロバイダを支援して、優れた設計品質、建設作業の予測精度の向上、運用コストの削減を実現するバーチャル ビルディング ソリューションの構築を可能にします。  アプリケーション プロバイダは、スペイシャルの3Dソフトウェア開発ツールキットを組み込んでモデリング、インターオペラビリティ、ビジュアライゼーションの機能を実現できるので、市場投入までの期間(TTM)を短縮しながら、美観、安全性、環境対策、費用と時間の節減などの領域における製品の革新性を高めることができます。これにより、優れた設計品質、予測した工期と予算内での建設作業が可能になり、ひいてはお客様の収益の拡大につながります。



Healing as an Essential Function

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Learn why healing of 3D models is required, what actions 3D InterOp performs prior to healing, and details of the healing process.

eBook – Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Case Study - CCCC

CCCC Success Story

Spatial's 3D ACIS Modeler and Hoops Visualize where leveraged for a Custom Solution that meets specific engineering needs while offering a professional 3d Modeling

Read Now

The Benefits of Using SDK Technology

The Benefits of Using SDK Technologies

Software development toolkits (SDKs) are now used by almost every CAD/CAM vendor in one form or another. Popular applications included 3D geometric modeling, data translation,  visualization, toolpath generation and simulation.

Why are SDKs so popular in the CAD/CAM industry? This white paper takes a look at SDK technology, the benefits and return on investment.

Read Now

Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes

Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes

Translating 3D CAD data files for application interoperability is a given part of today’s Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) workflow; providing a predictable and productive user experience is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity! Learn more about 3D Interoperability.

Free Whitepaper: Data Re-Use and Translation Processes


Webinar - Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
On Demand Webinar - Accelerate Your 3D Application's Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed-up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.
Webinar - Spatial is your Solution Advisor
On Demand Webinar - Spatial is Your Solution Advisor
Learn how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.
Webinar - Spatial, Your Trusted Partner in 3D Innovation
On Demand Webinar - Spatial, Your Trusted Partner in 3D Innovation


CGM Modeler
A 3D modeling ecosystem enabling application development for next generation innovations.
3D InterOp
3D InterOp
CAD Data Exchange, Translator, and Interoperability Software - treat all major CAD file formats like they're one.
CGM Polyhedra
CGM Polyhedra
Powerful, performant polygonal & hybrid 3D modeling SDKs designed for the needs of mesh based models
3D Precise Mesh
3D Precise Mesh
The trusted industrial solution for Meshing, delivering robust and automated meshing workflows for your Simulation applications.
HOOPS Visualize
HOOPS Visualize
Harness the Industry's Most Powerful, Portable, and Complete 3D Visualization Library
Constraint Design Solver
Add Parametric Relationships to Your 2D and 3D Geometric Objects to Maintain Design Intent


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