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3D Precise Mesh

自动、可靠的 3D 网格生成 SDK

利用 3D Precise Mesh 探索自动、可靠网格划分的强大功能。这款先进的工具专为增强 CAE 工作流程而设计,具有无与伦比的控制能力,可确保仿真的精度和性能。它与 CGM 和 3D ACIS 等领先建模工具的集成,以及自动 CAD 关联性和周期网格划分等创新功能,简化了整个设计流程。



3D Precise Mesh 提供全面的解决方案,可将数据准备为仿真用网格,在提高仿真精度的同时有效利用仿真资源。我们先进的三维网格生成工具可确保高保真仿真,最大限度地减少人为错误,并允许您在不影响模型精度的情况下优化网格。它还能灵活地自动生成网格,同时保持对网格参数的控制。

作为一个成熟的软件解决方案,3D Precise Mesh 可优化产品开发周期,加快从概念到上市的过程。它集成到完整的工作流程中,使用户能够快速评估设计和解决问题,从而在开发阶段进行更高效的高层次分析。


为什么选择 3D Precise Mesh?


利用 Spatial 的模块化 SDK,缩短准备三维模型进行分析的时间,同时提高仿真精度。3D Precise Mesh 只需一步即可生成最佳质量的网格元素,让您每分钟生成数百万个元素。

提升 3D 网格生成的用户体验

最大限度地减少 CFD 网格生成的工作量,简化产品设计周期的每个阶段。专注于在您的应用中构建物理和求解器仿真。


与 CAD 模型相关联的高端网格功能使开发人员能够专注于创新。3D Precise Mesh 可与任何建模器协同工作,我们通过与 CGM 和 ACIS 建模器的桥接提供紧密集成。这样,您就可以直接决定网格应如何设计,而无需集成复杂的组件。



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为分析 CAD 和网格模型生成具有规定尺寸和几何曲率的高质量曲面网格。为求解器使用适当的元素类型,包括二次元元素。
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自动、可靠的网格划分技术提供了广泛的尺寸、顺序和质量控制能力。开发人员可以调整 tet 网格参数,以满足求解器的期望。




3DPM 技术可以生成高质量的混合网格和全六面体或六面体网格,从而轻松生成符合求解器要求的网格。利用每种网格类型(包括六面体、四面体、金字塔形和棱柱形)的优势,可以将体积网格算法组合起来生成混合网格。


探索 3D Precise Mesh 的全部潜力。下载我们全面的产品数据表,了解更多信息。

我们的全新网格绘制 SDK


Integrate surface and volume meshing technologies into a single, user-friendly component, streamlining mesh generation with high-performance algorithms and a robust C++ interface.

Discover more

我们的网格绘制 SDKS

featured Ebooks & Whitepapers Webinars
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Webinar 3d meshing Simulation Cgm

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy

Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

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主办方 Aditya Utturwar
Case study / 3d meshing / Cad / Acis

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats

FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.

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How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

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Aditya Utturwar
Case study / 3d meshing / Cad / Acis

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats

FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

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Ebooks whitepaper 3d visualization Robotics Hoops

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cad / Cgm

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

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The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.

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Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cad / Cgm

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Shipbuilding / Interop

The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / 3d interop

Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.

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Webinar 3d meshing Am Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / Agm

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM

Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

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主办方 James Gray
Webinar / 3d modeling / Am / 3d interop

Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application

Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

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主办方 Jeffrey Switzer
Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Simulation / Cgm

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy

Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

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主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / Agm

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM

Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

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James Gray
Webinar / 3d modeling / Am / 3d interop

Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application

Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

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Jeffrey Switzer
Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Simulation / Cgm

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy

Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

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Shweta Singh