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成熟的 3D 应用程序框架

利用 Application Graphics Manager(AGM)这一全面的 3D 应用程序开发框架,缩短产品上市时间并降低成本。AGM 为开发稳健的 3D 应用程序提供了一个多层面的工具集,其中包括用户界面框架(桌面和网络)、可扩展的命令机制、渲染引擎以及介于两者之间的所有功能。


什么是 AGM?

AGM 是一个 3D 应用程序框架,旨在促进强大 3D 应用程序的开发。它提供了一个开箱即用的解决方案,包括启动开发所需的所有源代码、培训和项目文件。

AGM 建立在坚实的基础架构之上,支持各种功能,如选择和高亮显示、撤销/重做机制、错误处理和文件保存/恢复进程。它还包括快速碰撞检测和三维可视化等高级功能。

AGM 已开发了 15 年以上,包含 20 多万行代码,是全球发布的 40 多个应用程序的支柱。
AGM 不仅仅是一个开发工具,它还是通向 3D 应用程序创新世界的大门。


为什么选择 AGM?


AGM 已被全球 40 多个不同行业的组织所采用。它是一个值得信赖、经过测试的框架,可以进行定制,以满足您特定应用工作流程的需求。


有了 AGM,您就可以完全访问 3D ACIS Modeler、CGM Modeler、3D InterOp 和 HOOPS Visualize 以及 Communicator API,在根据您的独特要求定制工具集时,提供不受限制的定制选项。


AGM 提供开箱即用的解决方案,包括所有源代码、项目文件和培训,大大减少了初始学习曲线和开发时间。这使开发人员能够快速开始构建应用程序,并缩短新产品的上市时间。



AGM 的领先功能可缩短产品上市时间。
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常见 3D 应用功能

AGM 的核心模型提供了一整套 3D 应用程序常用的类和功能,包括撤销/重做、保存/恢复、选择和高亮显示、命令等。
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CAE 前/后处理

AGM 具备快速开发商业级预后应用的能力。优化的数据结构代表了一级和二级曲面和体积网格结构,还提供了模板。
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AGM 为机器人应用提供了功能基础。凭借焊接点生成、碰撞检测等功能,您只需花很少的时间就能开发出下一代机器人应用。
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使用 C++ 开发

十多年来,我们一直使用 C++ 开发和优化 AGM。您可以访问这些核心 C++ 代码,以进一步增强和定制您的应用程序工作流程。
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AGM 的设计基于对每个软件组件的深入了解和理解,可在开发 3D 应用程序时显著提高性能和生产率。
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应用程序和 AGM 模块是分离和抽象的。这意味着您可以灵活地为您的应用程序选择合适的图形用户界面框架,而不会受到现有架构的限制。AGM 包含一个 .NET C# 桌面应用程序(WPF)示例,您也可以采用其他桌面图形用户界面,如 MFC 和 Qt。
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对象与可视化之间的同步至关重要。例如,创建、编辑和删除等简单的建模功能必须与可视化同步。然而,对于商业 3D 应用程序来说,仅靠这一点是不够的。AGM 可确保对象和可视化之间的同步,即使命令在操作过程中被取消也是如此。


探索应用图形管理器的全部潜力。下载我们全面的产品数据表,进一步了解我们强大的 3D 应用程序框架。

我们的可视化 SDK,释放更大潜能

HOOPS Visualize

Render high-quality graphics on mobile and desktop with the gold standard in 3D visualization software, ensuring high performance and detail.

Discover more

HOOPS Communicator

Enable collaboration with a powerful 3D graphics engine for web browsers, offering easy deployment and comprehensive 3D data access.

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Featured Case Studies Ebooks & Whitepapers
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Webinar 3d modeling Cad Agm

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM

Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

ALM: Maximizing the Lifespan and Value of an Application

Discover how Application Lifecycle Management impacts your revenue, shortens time to market, and extends your application's lifespan.

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主办方 Jeffrey Switzer
Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development

In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

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主办方 Yashdeep Padey
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Application Lifecycle Management

An eBook introducing Application Lifecycle Management, its options, and how it enhances applications.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

ALM: Maximizing the Lifespan and Value of an Application

Discover how Application Lifecycle Management impacts your revenue, shortens time to market, and extends your application's lifespan.

host image
Jeffrey Switzer
Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development

In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

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Yashdeep Padey
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Application Lifecycle Management

An eBook introducing Application Lifecycle Management, its options, and how it enhances applications.

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Case study 3d interoperability Robotics Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d visualization / Metrology / Acis

Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%

Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.

Case study / 3d modeling / Cad / Acis

FCC Increased Production Time by 20x

A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.

Case study / 3d modeling / Metrology / Acis

Mitutoyo Supercharged Their 3D Interop Translation

Mitutoyo broadened the use of Spatial technology to other parts of the organization, such as machine configuration.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d visualization / Metrology / Acis

Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%

Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.

Case study / 3d modeling / Cad / Acis

FCC Increased Production Time by 20x

A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.

Case study / 3d modeling / Metrology / Acis

Mitutoyo Supercharged Their 3D Interop Translation

Mitutoyo broadened the use of Spatial technology to other parts of the organization, such as machine configuration.

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Ebooks whitepaper 3d modeling Alm Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Shipbuilding / Interop

The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cad / Cgm

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d visualization / Robotics / Hoops

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Shipbuilding / Interop

The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cad / Cgm

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d visualization / Robotics / Hoops

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Alm / Interop

How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications

Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.