Data Prep 简化、优化和修复 CAD 模型的方法包括过滤模型中的小体、去除小孔和圆角,以及从具有重复体的零件中生成装配结构。最终用户无需进行任何手动编辑,即可执行这些操作。
Data Prep 是 Spatial 最新推出的 3D InterOp 附加产品,它利用 Spatial 的几何专业知识为下游工作流程准备导入的 CAD 数据。
数据准备扩展了 3D InterOp,使开发人员在导入 3D 时更容易从其应用程序中的 CAD、BIM、工厂和数字内容自动生成最佳 3D 数据。
利用 Spatial 功能强大的 3D InterOp 插件 Data Prep,改变您的设计和工程工作流程。
在数据能在后期开发阶段正常工作之前,通常需要对导入的 CAD 模型数据进行简化、优化和修复。Data Prep 提供了这些关键功能。
在各行各业需求的推动下,在作为我们客户群的行业领导者的推动下,我们已经将众所周知、深受喜爱的 3D InterOp 演进为提供自动数据准备功能。这为各行各业的数据再利用提供了一个无与伦比、真正行之有效的解决方案。
数据准备涵盖三个关键的 CAD 准备需求:简化、优化和修复。例如,去除小孔和圆角、过滤小体或从平面零件生成装配结构。
使用 Data Prep,告别手工编辑,向更快、更高效的流程问好--它将改变三维数据优化的游戏规则。
Data Prep 简化、优化和修复 CAD 模型的方法包括过滤模型中的小体、去除小孔和圆角,以及从具有重复体的零件中生成装配结构。最终用户无需进行任何手动编辑,即可执行这些操作。
从输入源开始,Data Prep 的预建选项可让您轻松快速地扩展工作流程,使数据更易于重复使用。可视化、模拟、制造和成本计算工作流程尤其受益于 Data Prep 的功能。
准备 CAD 数据是制造、仿真、机器人、AEC 和整个行业应用的重要步骤。Data Prep 的模型准备工作可根据自动化和人工智能的需要对模型进行定性或简化。
Translate and maintain the integrity of 3D CAD data across systems, offering high-fidelity data exchange with multi-CAD support and incremental updates.
Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.
Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.
Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.
Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.
Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.
Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.
Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.
Discover how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s Automated Lightweighting and Support Creation capabilities.
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.
Discover how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s Automated Lightweighting and Support Creation capabilities.