
Integrate surface and volume meshing technologies into a single, user-friendly component, streamlining mesh generation with high-performance algorithms and a robust C++ interface.

3D Precise Mesh
Optimize meshes for high-fidelity simulations, ensuring accuracy and reducing data prep time in the product development cycle.
25年以上にわたる経験をもとに構築された私たちの技術は、業界をリードする企業が高性能シミュレーション ソフトウェアを提供できるよう支援します。
私たちの実績あるソリューションが、シミュレーション プロセスを最適化し、イノベーションを前進させます。

高度なメッシング ツールキットによりシミュレーション用モデルを最適化し、製品開発サイクルを加速します。最適な3Dメッシュを作成して問題を迅速に特定し、効率的で正確なシミュレーションワークフローを実現します。
ワークフローを自動化し、全体的な開発時間を短縮します。スペイシャルのメッシュ生成コンポーネントは、CGMや3D ACIS Modelerとシームレスに連動するため、開発者は面倒な統合作業ではなく技術革新に優先して取り組めます。


サーフェスおよびボリュームのメッシュ生成のためのインクリメンタルな制約付きドロネー法に基づくロバストで高性能なアルゴリズム。また、特定のシミュレーション シナリオのために、構造化境界層を自動生成する高度な手法も含んでいます。




CSMDemoやCVMDemoのようなデモ アプリケーションを使用することで、技術を理解したり、パラメータを試すことで、C++コードを書く前にワークフローを迅速にスケッチすることができます。

When I outsource software to be part of my product, the company’s reputation, reliability and support infrastructure are very important to me.
Prof. Daesung Bae, Director of Research and Development, Virtual Motion
Read the Case Study

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy
Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.
Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats
FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.
How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications
Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.
Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats
FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.
How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications
Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize
Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.
CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.
How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications
Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.
The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse
Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.
Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.
CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.
How to Successfully Develop, Deploy, and Support 3D Applications
Explore the top reasons to use Spatial's 3D SDK for developing, deploying, and supporting innovative 3D applications.
The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse
Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.
Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.
Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application
Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy
Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application
Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy
Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.