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CAD変換ソフトウェアと3D相互運用ソリューションは、プラットフォームやアプリケーション、業界を横断して3Dデータをシームレスにインポートおよびエクスポートするために不可欠です。スペイシャルの先進的なCAD変換コンポーネントで、異なるCADフォーマット間のスムーズな変換のメリットを体験し、Data Prepでパフォーマンス機能を強化しましょう。



3D InterOp

Translate and maintain the integrity of 3D CAD data across systems, offering high-fidelity data exchange with multi-CAD support and incremental updates.

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Data Prep

Prepare CAD data for simulation, manufacturing, and visualization with model simplification, defeaturing, geometry optimization, and assembly management.

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私たちの主要な3D相互運用SDKにより、顧客や関係者は、インポートされた3Dデータをアプリケーションでネイティブに作成されたかのように操作することができます。3D InterOpは、追加ライセンスを必要とせず、すべての主要なCADフォーマットの変換をサポートし、さまざまなエンジニアリング アプリケーション間で3Dデータのシームレスなインポートおよびエクスポートを可能にします。

3D InterOpの最新アドオン製品であるData Prepは、インポートしたCADデータを下流のワークフロー用に準備します。Data Prepを使用することで、3D InterOpの拡張バージョンの恩恵を受けることができ、3Dインポート時にアプリケーション内のCAD、BIM、プラント、デジタルコンテンツから最適な3Dデータを自動的に生成することができます。










追加のジオメトリ カーネル

ACISやCGMのような強力なジオメトリ カーネルが、高度なモデリング機能と複雑なジオメトリ操作を提供します。精度とパフォーマンスを重視した洗練された3Dアプリケーションを開発できます。




フィーチャーカム4-1 フィーチャーカム2-1



3Dメッシュスライダーイメージ 3Dモデリング・スライダー


3D InterOpとData Prepソリューションは、自動ヒーリング、ステッチ、リサーフェシングのような高度なジオメトリ修復と最適化機能を提供します。トポロジーモデルが特定のアプリケーションのニーズとシステムパフォーマンスの向上のために最適化されていることを確認します。

5 フィーチャーロボット9-1



相互運用性7 3-2


製品製造情報(PMI)をフルサポートする3D InterOpは、正確なエンジニアリング レビューと、製造および計測のプロセス自動化を可能にします。製品ライフサイクル全体を通して包括的なデータ統合を促進します。

相互運用性8 相互運用性9




グループ (61) (2)


グループ (60) (2)


私たちのSDKは、競合ソフトウェアよりもはるかに多くCADファイルの変換に成功しています。この市場での多数の使用実績により、一般的なジオメトリ エラーを検出(そして自動修復)できる堅牢なソリューションを利用できます。
グループ (68)


1 m+
400 +



We are excited to be working with Spatial. We feel its InterOp translators have been a great asset to our product development and we look forward to using its translators to improve the future of PolyWorks.

Marc Soucy, President, InnovMetric

Read the Case Study


Featured Case Studies EBooks
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Ebooks whitepaper 3d interoperability Shipbuilding Interop

The Second Life of Data: How 3D InterOp From Spatial Powers Data Reuse

Understand model repair and validation, its impact on modeling operations, and detailed test results.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / 3d interop

Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / 3d interop

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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主催 Julian Varghese
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / Cgm

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / 3d interop

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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主催 Julian Varghese
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / 3d interop

Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange

Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / 3d interop

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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Julian Varghese
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / Cgm

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / 3d interop

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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Julian Varghese
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Case study 3d modeling Robotics Cgm

Stäubli Elevated Their Offerings and Capabilities with Spatial's SDKs

Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Robotics / Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d meshing / Cad / Acis

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats

FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.

Case study / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Acis

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing

Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Robotics / Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d meshing / Cad / Acis

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats

FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.

Case study / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Acis

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing

Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.

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Webinar 3d modeling Cad Agm

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM

Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d visualization / Robotics / Hoops

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Simulation / Cgm

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy

Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

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主催 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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主催 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Cds

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management

Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

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主催 David Hornsby
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d visualization / Robotics / Hoops

8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize

Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Simulation / Cgm

Make Data Preparation for Simulation Easy

Discover how to easily add simulation to your application or automate interface detection in CHT or CFD simulation applications.

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Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Cds

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management

Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

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David Hornsby