业界领先的 CAD 应用建模内核
Spatial 将正确的软件开发工具包 (SDK) 与您的应用目标相结合。我们的解决方案可帮助您加快几何图形的准备工作,更快地开始仿真,并消除设计团队之间的延误。我们的高质量 SDK 为您的创新 CAD 软件开发画上了完美的句号。


作为 CAD 软件开发团队、
开发可在不同系统和工具间准确读取、解释和导出各种 CAD 文件格式的软件。处理大型复杂数据
注重独特功能和创新,在竞争激烈的 CAD 软件市场中脱颖而出。加快产品上市时间
简化开发工作流程,在保持质量和可靠性的同时,更快地交付 CAD 解决方案。

解决 CAD 开发问题

强大的 3D 引擎
35 年来,3D ACIS Modeler 已成为数百万用户的传统建模工具。我们的下一代 CGM Modeler 是达索系统公司世界领先的 CATIA V5 和 3DEXPERIENCE 平台使用的三维几何建模内核。CGM 支持直接编辑和特征识别。

3D InterOp 在 CAD 格式之间提供最高质量的数据重用,利用 3D InterOp Data Prep Instancing 优化 3D CAD 文件。3D InterOp 可读取 DXF DWG 图纸,并导入二维绘图表作为审批图纸,为三维建模创建基础或底层。

强大的 3D 可视化
HOOPS Visualize 可实现大型模型可视化、动画、碰撞检测以及移动和网络可视化。HOOPS Visualize 易于使用,可与Spatial三维建模器无缝结合。

应用图形管理器(AGM)深受全球机器人客户的青睐。AGM 是与多家机器人客户合作开发的,包括弧焊和机器人专用选项卡。通过这些选项卡,用户可以毫不费力地演示弧焊、点焊、快速碰撞检查和逆运动学,大大减少了应用开发所需的时间。

CAD 开发
专为 CAD 工作流程打造的功能
Spatial SDK 的功能都能帮助您实现开发目标。

CAD 导入
加强 CAM-CAD 协作
3D InterOp 利用 CGM 内核和本地 API 来读写多种文件格式。本地 API 使您的应用程序具有更高的质量,而无需 CAD 许可证。根据应用程序工作流程的需要,将 CAD 数据作为单个容器逐步导入,包括产品结构、网格几何图形、精确几何图形和制造信息。

为什么使用Spatial SDK 进行开发?
与我们的 CAD SDKS 相关的内容

XEOMETRIC Accelerated Blending and Precise Hidden Line Removal
XEOMETRIC's 2D/3D construction planning and mechanical engineering software gained advanced functionality with 3D ACIS Modeler and 3D InterOp.
Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes
Understand the necessity of translating 3D CAD data for application interoperability in PLM workflows.
Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.
Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

Enable Super-Fast Review of Large Models
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.

Enhancing the User Experience in CAD Data Re-Use and Translation Processes
Understand the necessity of translating 3D CAD data for application interoperability in PLM workflows.
Solving the Inherent Problems Associated with CAD Data Exchange
Learn about the best CAD file interoperability solutions, the importance of accurate data exchange, and applications in design, analysis, manufacturing, and measurement.
Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

Enable Super-Fast Review of Large Models
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.

3D-Tool Maximized Customer License Upgrades
3D-Tool expanded Viewer functionality to native CAD formats like CATIA V5 and Pro/E, enabling users to view and translate native CAD files without costly conversion.
EskoArtwork Drastically Reduced Preparation of CAD Models for Downstream Use
EskoArtwork's ArtiosCAD gained 3D CAD model import functionality, maintaining competitive edge without straining in-house resources.
Lubansoft Boosted Design Quality and Reduced Costly Errors
Lubansoft boosted design quality and reduced errors in their BIM software by using 3D ACIS Modeler and HOOPS Visualize.
NIS Reduced File Size of Their CAD Design Software by 30%
NIS developed next-generation building exterior and garden design CAD software using 3D ACIS Modeler and HOOPS.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
EskoArtwork Drastically Reduced Preparation of CAD Models for Downstream Use
EskoArtwork's ArtiosCAD gained 3D CAD model import functionality, maintaining competitive edge without straining in-house resources.
Lubansoft Boosted Design Quality and Reduced Costly Errors
Lubansoft boosted design quality and reduced errors in their BIM software by using 3D ACIS Modeler and HOOPS Visualize.
NIS Reduced File Size of Their CAD Design Software by 30%
NIS developed next-generation building exterior and garden design CAD software using 3D ACIS Modeler and HOOPS.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.