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3D ACIS Modeler

久经考验的 3D 建模内核

30 多年来,3D ACIS Modeler 一直引领着三维几何建模内核市场,在数十年的工业化进程中,为数百万用户提供了改进和增强功能。


以更低的开发成本更快地创建独特创新的 3D 应用程序

我们的 3D ACIS 建模内核可提供创建高质量应用所需的技术能力,降低风险和软件开发成本。利用经过行业验证的组件开发市场领先的应用程序并开启创新。

3D ACIS Modeler 支持各种工业建模方法,包括直接建模和基于历史的建模。

其功能包括成熟的建模能力、专家解决方案咨询、通过与 CAD 互操作性和网格等技术的集成扩大应用范围,以及创建和修改复杂三维模型和装配体的能力。


为什么选择 3D ACIS Modeler?


有了 3D ACIS Modeler,您就可以专注于使用 ACIS 文件格式提供独特的产品功能并推动创新。


通过提供高质量三维软件组件的基础,3D ACIS Modeler 可简化开发工作并减少资源需求,从而加快应用程序的交付。


3D ACIS Modeler 是经过验证的解决方案,适用于 350 多种应用,在全球拥有超过 300 万个用户。更低的风险意味着更低的开发成本和更高的投资回报率。


基于 ACIS 的应用程序充分利用了布尔运算等建模操作的公认质量,这是 Spatial 与设计、分析、制造和测量领域的行业领导者合作 30 多年的直接成果。


Spatial专家通过了解和支持客户的需求和战略,确保基于 ACIS 的应用程序不断取得成功。


受益于 3DEXPERIENCE® 和 CGM 生态系统的创新,集成了 CAD 互操作性、可视化、网格划分、多面体建模、约束建模和隐线移除等技术。



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3D 模型创建

3D ACIS Modeler 支持从简单模型到复杂装配体的几何体创建、曲面和实体建模、修改和查询。无论是需要直接建模功能以支持无历史记录的 CAD 应用程序,还是需要实施基于历史记录的特征树,3D ACIS Modeler 的广泛解决方案都是各行各业所信赖的。
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修改 3D 模型

我们的 3D ACIS 软件支持应用程序通过布尔、混合、直接编辑、加厚、偏移等一系列强大的操作来定制数据准备。
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3D ACIS Modeler 为特征建模应用程序提供完整的支持,可使用注释从几何操作中进行拓扑跟踪。应用程序还可利用属性机制将自定义数据附加到拓扑对象上,以便通过建模操作对其进行跟踪。
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通过添加更多功能为您的客户提供增量价值。Spatial 提供并维护桥接器或开箱即用的集成代码,以便 3D ACIS Modeler 开发人员使用 ACIS 多面体、3D Precise Mesh、CGM HLR 等附加组件扩展其应用程序。
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3D ACIS Modeler 保持着最高的性能和内存管理标准,在各行各业数十年使用的基础上不断改进和发展。它还具有线程安全功能,支持多线程 API。
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查询 3D 模型

在不需要创建或修改模型的只读工作流中利用模型拓扑、几何和元数据,例如 xR 应用的可视化。


探索 3D ACIS Modeler 的全部潜力。下载我们全面的产品数据表,进一步了解我们强大的 3D 应用程序框架。

使用 ACIS 附加功能

ACIS Polyhedra

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Discover more


Featured Ebooks & Whitepapers Webinars
resource image
Ebooks whitepaper 3d modeling Robotics Acis

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Acis

Technical Series: Managing Complexity with the 3D ACIS Modeler

Learn how the 3D ACIS Modeler impacts your workflow, helps reconcile design changes, and simplifies your CAD process.

host image
主办方 Michael Stafne, Sanjeev Padmanabhan, Sagar Shetye
Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

host image
主办方 Aditya Utturwar
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Learn How To Easily Multi-Thread Your ACIS Workflows

Hear our Technical Marketer Michael Stafne discuss multi-threading ACIS workflows and the benefits of these functionalities.

host image
主办方 Mike Stafne
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Leverage 2020 1.0.1 to Enhance the Experience of Your ACIS Applications

Learn about the latest ACIS release highlights and how customers leverage Spatial’s Customer Success Team's expertise.

host image
主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Acis

Technical Series: Managing Complexity with the 3D ACIS Modeler

Learn how the 3D ACIS Modeler impacts your workflow, helps reconcile design changes, and simplifies your CAD process.

host image
Michael Stafne, Sanjeev Padmanabhan, Sagar Shetye
Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

host image
Aditya Utturwar
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Learn How To Easily Multi-Thread Your ACIS Workflows

Hear our Technical Marketer Michael Stafne discuss multi-threading ACIS workflows and the benefits of these functionalities.

host image
Mike Stafne
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Leverage 2020 1.0.1 to Enhance the Experience of Your ACIS Applications

Learn about the latest ACIS release highlights and how customers leverage Spatial’s Customer Success Team's expertise.

host image
Shweta Singh
resource image
Ebooks whitepaper 3d interoperability Cad Cgm

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers

A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

The Future of CAM Workflows

Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers

A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

The Future of CAM Workflows

Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.

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Webinar 3d modeling Cam Acis

Technical Series: Managing Complexity with the 3D ACIS Modeler

Learn how the 3D ACIS Modeler impacts your workflow, helps reconcile design changes, and simplifies your CAD process.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

host image
主办方 Aditya Utturwar
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Learn How To Easily Multi-Thread Your ACIS Workflows

Hear our Technical Marketer Michael Stafne discuss multi-threading ACIS workflows and the benefits of these functionalities.

host image
主办方 Mike Stafne
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Leverage 2020 1.0.1 to Enhance the Experience of Your ACIS Applications

Learn about the latest ACIS release highlights and how customers leverage Spatial’s Customer Success Team's expertise.

host image
主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d meshing / Am / Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

host image
Aditya Utturwar
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Learn How To Easily Multi-Thread Your ACIS Workflows

Hear our Technical Marketer Michael Stafne discuss multi-threading ACIS workflows and the benefits of these functionalities.

host image
Mike Stafne
Webinar / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

Leverage 2020 1.0.1 to Enhance the Experience of Your ACIS Applications

Learn about the latest ACIS release highlights and how customers leverage Spatial’s Customer Success Team's expertise.

host image
Shweta Singh