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ACIS Polyhedra

基于 ACIS 应用的多面体建模

将 ACIS B-Rep 体转换为网格,或将网格直接导入 3D ACIS Modeler 以进行高级模型操作和准备。ACIS 多面体为精确的 B-Rep 建模提供了革命性的补充,使您的应用程序能够增加价值并解决新问题,从而为客户提供新产品和解决方案。



专为基于 ACIS 的应用程序而设计,利用 ACIS 多面体扩展应用程序的范围和功能。利用我们的混合建模解决方案,可将 ACIS B-Rep 体转换为网格,或直接导入网格进行高级操作和准备。

通过集成多面体建模,您的 B-Rep 应用程序可以满足增材制造、机器人、XR 和牙科等行业的需求,从而增强其范围和多功能性。ACIS 多面体可为大型数据集提供强大的高质量算法,通过高效的应用程序接口(API)减少开发时间和成本。利用 ACIS 多面体,开启新的可能性,提供最先进的解决方案。


为什么选择 ACIS 多面体?


ACIS 多面体为精确的 B-Rep 建模提供了突破性的补充,使您的应用程序能够增加价值、解决新问题,并为客户提供新产品和解决方案。


ACIS 多面体中的算法即使在最大的数据集上也能进行稳健而高效的建模操作。


利用 ACIS 多面体中的应用程序接口(API),可快速为您的应用程序添加新的工作流,从而节省时间和开发成本。



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Spatial 的多面体解决方案与 3D InterOp 结合使用时,可支持多种数据源,包括医疗数据、地形数据、扫描对象、原始网格数据、精确模型和数十种 3D 建模格式。
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ACIS 多面体可在其他解决方案失败时自动修复模型。结合评估调整和修复工具,您可以制作出符合制造规格的模型。
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有时,多面体模型的质量很差,需要完全重铺。ACIS 多面体功能强大的重铺算法可帮助您将低质量的扫描网格转换为可用网格。


ACIS 多面体提供了许多应用程序接口(API),用于构建布尔运算、切片、偏移和抽取等数据准备工作流程。


ACIS Polyhedra 支持对多面体模型进行多种拓扑查询和计算,如冲突检测、壁厚分析、质量属性、距离计算、硬边检测和可视曲面拟合。
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ACIS 多面体和 3D ACIS Modeler 在许多操作上共享通用的多态应用程序接口,从而在使用针对输入数据进行优化的专门算法的同时,还能轻松实施。


我们是否拥有将您的三维应用工作流程提升到新水平的技术?请与 Spatial 专家交谈,了解详情。


3D ACIS Modeler

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The ultimate modeling technology for the next generation of 3D applications. Create, modify, query and visualize 3D data with CGM Modeler.

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featured Case Studies
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Webinar 3d meshing Am Acis

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers

Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Am / Interop

Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins

Explore scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer complete solutions, impacting revenue and margins.

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Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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主办方 Shweta Singh
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / Cgm

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Robotics / Acis

5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler

Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Am / Interop

Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins

Explore scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer complete solutions, impacting revenue and margins.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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Shweta Singh
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d interoperability / Cad / Cgm

Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models

Discover the importance of 3D model healing, pre-healing actions by 3D InterOp, and the healing process.

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Case study 3d interoperability Robotics Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Cad / Interop

3D-Tool Maximized Customer License Upgrades

3D-Tool expanded Viewer functionality to native CAD formats like CATIA V5 and Pro/E, enabling users to view and translate native CAD files without costly conversion.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d visualization / Metrology / Acis

Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%

Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.

Case study / 3d modeling / Cad / Acis

FCC Increased Production Time by 20x

A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Cad / Interop

3D-Tool Maximized Customer License Upgrades

3D-Tool expanded Viewer functionality to native CAD formats like CATIA V5 and Pro/E, enabling users to view and translate native CAD files without costly conversion.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d visualization / Metrology / Acis

Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%

Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.

Case study / 3d modeling / Cad / Acis

FCC Increased Production Time by 20x

A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.