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CGM Defeaturing

优化和简化 3D 模型

CGM Defeaturing 是 CGM Modeler 的创新插件,旨在彻底简化 CAD 模型。它无需用户输入,只需一步即可去除孔、倒角和圆角特征,从而实现自动化。利用我们的剔除解决方案,优化您的模型,去除不必要的细节并提高性能。



CGM Defeaturing是CGM Modeler的一个创新SDK插件,它为CAD模型的简化带来了革命性的变化。

CGM Defeaturing 的设计目的是识别和移除 CAD 模型中的特征,以实现可视化、设计、制造或模拟的正确细节级别。




为什么选择 CGM Defeaturing?


CGM Defeaturing 为简化 CAD 模型提供了强大的解决方案,是各种应用的理想选择。它能够自动去除复杂特征,无需用户输入,大大加快了模型准备过程。


CGM Defeaturing 无需用户输入,只需一步即可删除孔或圆角特征,实现了复杂流程的自动化。例如,它可以删除 CAD 模型上所有复杂的圆角链,而无需手动选择种子面。


CGM Defeaturing 可通过过滤孔或圆角尺寸进行定制。这样就可以去除较小的模型细节,减少求解时间,同时保留分析所需的较大细节。


Spatial 在 "入门 "应用基础架构内提供基本功能,以便快速实施。


显著 提高性能

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与建模和 CAD 无关

CGM Defeaturing 采用几何识别算法,支持本地 CAD 格式和那些没有特征树信息的格式,如 STEP 和 IGES。
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CGM Defeaturing 还支持 SolidWorks 和 CATIA 等 CAD 系统中的标准孔类型,其强大功能足以应对复杂的实际场景。
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探索 CGM Defeaturing 的全部潜力。下载我们全面的产品数据表,了解更多信息。

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featured Case study Webinars
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Ebooks whitepaper 3d modeling Cad Cgm

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation

Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.

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Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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主办方 Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing

Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

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主办方 Michael Stafne, Eric Zenk
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

The Future of CAM Workflows

Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.

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Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining

Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.

Webinar / 3d meshing / Cam / Cgm

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing

Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

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Shweta Singh
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing

Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

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Michael Stafne, Eric Zenk
Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

The Future of CAM Workflows

Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.

Ebooks whitepaper / 3d modeling / Cam / Cgm

Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining

Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.

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Case study 3d modeling Robotics Cgm

Stäubli Elevated Their Offerings and Capabilities with Spatial's SDKs

Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Robotics / Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / Interop

InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors

InnovMetric provided their automotive and aerospace customers with top CAD translators in PolyWorks® by selecting Spatial InterOp software.

Case study / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Acis

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing

Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / 3d interop

LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application

LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Robotics / Acis

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production

ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.

Case study / 3d interoperability / Metrology / Interop

InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors

InnovMetric provided their automotive and aerospace customers with top CAD translators in PolyWorks® by selecting Spatial InterOp software.

Case study / 3d modeling / Manufacturing / Acis

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing

Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.

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Webinar 3d modeling Cam Cgm

Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing

Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

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Spatial is Your Solution Advisor

Discover how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.

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主办方 Lance Bennett
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Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development

In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

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主办方 Yashdeep Padey
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Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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主办方 Julian Varghese
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Agm

Automated CAM Programming – Spatial & ModuleWorks

CAM software developers and machine builders can automate processes, reduce downtimes, and differentiate in the market with Spatial and ModuleWorks' expertise in automatic CAM solutions for prismatic parts.

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主办方 Markus Huebner, Soroosh Eghbali
Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Spatial is Your Solution Advisor

Discover how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.

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Lance Bennett
Webinar / 3d modeling / Alm / Agm

Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development

In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

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Yashdeep Padey
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cad / 3d interop

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates

Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

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Julian Varghese
Webinar / 3d modeling / Cam / Agm

Automated CAM Programming – Spatial & ModuleWorks

CAM software developers and machine builders can automate processes, reduce downtimes, and differentiate in the market with Spatial and ModuleWorks' expertise in automatic CAM solutions for prismatic parts.

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Markus Huebner, Soroosh Eghbali