
HOOPS Visualize
Render high-quality graphics on mobile and desktop with the gold standard in 3D visualization software, ensuring high performance and detail.

HOOPS Communicator
Enable collaboration with a powerful 3D graphics engine for web browsers, offering easy deployment and comprehensive 3D data access.
与 Spatial 合作,您可以利用与我们的三维建模 SDK 完美匹配的三维可视化软件开发工具包,这些 SDK 是业界最强大、最便携和最完整的图形开发组件,可用于创建三维应用程序。
我们提供 HOOPS Visualize 和 HOOPS Communicator 等领先的解决方案,帮助您加快桌面、云或移动设备高性能三维应用程序的开发。
HOOPS Visualize 是领先的三维渲染 SDK,可快速创建令人惊叹的图形,而 HOOPS Communicator 是基于浏览器的三维建模和云 CAD 软件 SDK,可促进高质量渲染。HOOPS Visualize 提供了一个专门的图形引擎,可提供细节丰富、性能卓越的可视化效果,而 Communicator 则为您提供了解锁基于网络的可视化所需的工具。
我们的可视化能力远不止为您的工作流程提供 SDK。结合我们的创新附加组件和行业知识,您将建立起以技术和专业知识为核心的持久合作伙伴关系。

利用 3D 可视化软件
有了 HOOPS Visualize,开发人员就有了明确的应用程序接口,使基于 HOOPS 的应用程序更易于开发、维护和增强。简化三维应用程序开发,加快产品上市进程。
我们的 SDK 可确保您的应用程序在各种硬件平台上运行良好,最大限度地扩大您的市场份额。HOOPS 支持 OpenGL 和 DirectX 以及 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X 平台上的功能。
HOOPS Visualize 通过添加先进的 3D 可视化功能(如阴影、纹理、透明度、渲染和其他基于着色器的效果),提供了使您的应用程序与众不同的工具。
将复杂的数据可视化,以直观的方式呈现,提供出色的用户体验。为您的客户提供全面的视图,以显示您的三维模型并与之互动,或使用 HOOPS Communicator 在云中构建产品。
我们的 3D 可视化

先进的三维渲染功能有助于高质量的图形显示。实时渲染允许与复杂的三维模型进行无缝交互。HOOPS Visualize 和 HOOPS Communicator 可确保快速渲染三角形数量较多的大型 3D 数据集。HOOPS Communicator 基于网络的特性降低了风险,简化了后勤工作,可立即提供开箱即用的功能。

通过灵活的应用程序接口,HOOPS Communicator 可以轻松部署并与 Spatial 的 SDK 组件集成。这种灵活性确保了对三维数据的全面访问,包括产品结构、几何和图形数据以及物理属性。开发人员可以高效地连接和渲染三维数据,促进各行业领域的无缝工作流程。

通过支持 OpenGL 和 DirectX,体验优化的屏幕浏览和交互。其功能包括支持逼真的照明、阴影和纹理,以及体积渲染、透明度、阴影和反射的功能和效果。先进的功能包括动画、环境闭塞、点云可视化等,让您受益匪浅。

HOOPS Visualize 和 HOOPS Communicator 可与 Spatial 的 CGM Modeler 和 3D ACIS Modeler 以及通用 2D 和 3D 可视化应用程序集成。通过文档和示例应用程序,开发人员可以为桌面、移动和基于网络的应用程序快速集成和部署强大的可视化功能。

全面的 2D 和 3D 支持
HOOPS Visualize 和 HOOPS Communicator 均支持丰富的 2D 和 3D 集成场景图创建、优化和管理。借助 HOOPS Communicator 强大的 3D 图形引擎,可为设计、工程和制造应用提供高质量的大型数据集渲染。
HOOPS Visualize 和 HOOPS Communicator 经过优化,性能高效,可简化各种工作流程中的物流,减少总投资。引入高级功能
使用我们的 SDK 组件,让您的工作流程更上一层楼。快速、无缝地集成高级功能,为各种平台提供强大的可视化功能。
The world of possibilities in the robotics industry is exciting. Robots are the most flexible equipment to automate production. Working with Spatial means working with the leader in 3D environments and gives us even more confidence about the solution that we bring to our customers.
Edouard Guillaume, Marketing Manager, Stäubli Robotics
Read the Case Study相关内容

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CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
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Enable Super-Fast Review of Large Models
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The Future of CAM Workflows
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CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
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ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors
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Mitutoyo Supercharged Their 3D Interop Translation
Mitutoyo broadened the use of Spatial technology to other parts of the organization, such as machine configuration.
SAMIN Chose Spatial's ACIS 3D Kernel Instead of Parasolid
SAMIN became first to market in 2008 with a 3D accuracy control system that met the high standards of the Asian shipbuilding market using Spatial components.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors
InnovMetric provided their automotive and aerospace customers with top CAD translators in PolyWorks® by selecting Spatial InterOp software.
Mitutoyo Supercharged Their 3D Interop Translation
Mitutoyo broadened the use of Spatial technology to other parts of the organization, such as machine configuration.
SAMIN Chose Spatial's ACIS 3D Kernel Instead of Parasolid
SAMIN became first to market in 2008 with a 3D accuracy control system that met the high standards of the Asian shipbuilding market using Spatial components.

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.
Application Lifecycle Management
An eBook introducing Application Lifecycle Management, its options, and how it enhances applications.
Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins
Explore scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer complete solutions, impacting revenue and margins.
A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
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Application Lifecycle Management
An eBook introducing Application Lifecycle Management, its options, and how it enhances applications.
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A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
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