3D Modeling Glossary

3D ACIS Modeler
ACIS is a 3D geometric modeling kernel developed in-house by Spatial.
3D-XML File Format
3DM File
A 3DM file is an open source file format which is used for 3D graphics software.
B-Rep, an abbreviation for boundary representation, is a concept in solid modeling and computer-aided design for representing
BS 1192
BS 1192 is a method to manage the production, distribution, and quality of construction information.
Convert IGES to STP
Spatial’s 3D InterOp’s native APIs allow users to translate a wide range of CAD file formats for your applications,
CAD File Format
Computer-aided design (CAD) files contain both 2D or 3D designs. They’re used to create models or architecture plans.
CAD Associativity
CAD Associativity is the ability to maintain links to the original CAD model such that any design updates can be automatically merged in.
CAD, also known as computer aided design, is the process of using computers to create,
CAE, or computer-aided engineering, refers to the entire product engineering process from
COBie BIM Files
COBie -- short for Construction Operations Building Information Exchange
CAD Morphing
The ability to morph BRep models, given a vector field of deformation. Based on the Smooth Displacement Adjustment method (SDA).
CAD Import
Import CAD designed in any of the popular systems like CATIA,
Finite Element Method
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a method of conducting a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a physical phenomenon
How to Open an STP File in AutoCAD
Importing or “opening” STP files in AutoCAD is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in a few steps.
IFC is short for International Foundation Class and files using the IFC file format are Building Information Modelling (BIM) files.
IGES, or the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, is a vendor-agnostic file format which facilitates the digital exchange and
Meshing Definition | What is Mesh Generation
Meshing is often used in software-based simulation for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
NWD FILE Extension | .nwd file type / format
NWD is a computer-aided design (CAD) file developed by Navisworks. Files saved in the NWD file format are used to view 3D models, such as building or structural designs.
Parasolid is a type of geometric modeling kernel that allows users to create and edit models.
Rhino File
Rhinoceros, more commonly called Rhino or Rhino3D, is a popular 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD)
There are over 2 million active SOLIDWORKS users, spanning 80+ countries and more than 200,000 companies
SAT File Format
The SAT file extension stores three-dimensional geometry information within a standard text file
STL File Format
STEP/STP File Format
With Spatial's 3D InterOp STEP Translation Capability at Your Fingertips You’ll Enjoy High-Quality Data Translation
Surface Modeling
Surface Modeling is the method of showing or presenting solid objects.
What is an STL File?
The .stl is a file extension that is usually created within a CAD environment and is designed to store information for 3D models
What is Clash Detection
A ‘clash’ is the result of two elements in your design taking up the same space. In Building Information Modeling (BIM)
What Is a .dwg File? | DWG File Extension / Format
What is a DWG file? Native to AutoCAD, Autodesk’s computer-aided design (CAD) suite, DWG is both
What is an STP File?
STEP (or STP) is a popular file format used to store and transfer 3D and 2D geometry models
What is an IGES File?
A .iges file format is used to transfer two-dimensional or three-dimensional data for a design between CAD software
Wireframe Modeling
Wireframe modeling is the least complicated method for rendering
X_T File Format
X_T file extensions are referred to as both Parasolid Model Part files or modeller transmit files.
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