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What is Meshing (or Mesh Generation)?

definition of meshing

Source: MIT


The meaning of meshing–or mesh generation–is: defining continuous geometric shapes (such as 3D models) using 1D, 2D, and 3D shapes (mesh faces). 

The finer the mesh, the more accurately the 3D model will be defined. 

Though meshes can be created manually, most meshing today is performed using software, with minimal human input. 


Meshing: What Are the Different Types 

There are two basic ways of creating a mesh: structured and unstructured. 

In structured meshing, the mesh is prepared as a regular lattice with implied connectivity between elements. In unstructured meshing, elements can be connected to each other in irregular patterns, allowing users to capture more complex shapes.


What is the Importance of Meshing in CFD and FEA

Meshing is one of the most important aspects of getting accurate results from FEA/FEM and CFD simulations

Usually, results become more accurate as the mesh becomes smaller and denser. However, a trade-off of that is that simulations become larger and solve times become longer.


Optimizing Meshes

meaning of meshing

Engineers typically perform convergence studies to determine the optimal balance of accuracy and the simulation resources available. One way to achieve this is by restricting high mesh density to areas of the model in the load path and areas of interest.

Geometric shapes that experience large concentrated stress, such as fillet radii, also require denser meshes to assess stress accurately.  

Areas that are placed further away from stress concentrations or load paths can be meshed with larger and less dense elements.  

The goal is to create meshes that accurately represent the geometric shape without wasting simulation resources. As such, meshes are typically denser (finer elements) in areas important for calculations.

How to Generate Accurate, Lightweight Meshes for Simulations

Reduce user input, meet solver expectations, and optimize CAE workflows with Spatial’s 3D Precise Mesh.

  • Generate quality surface meshing (within the prescribed parameters) with very little input.
  • Ensure high-quality surface meshing of CAD models with simulation-dedicated options.
  • Finetune the size, shape, order, and quality of meshes.
  • Generate high-quality tetrahedral mesh, hybrid, and hexahedral 3D meshes.
  • Enable high quality and automatic boundary layer generation.
  • Produce conformal 3D and full hex meshes.