CGM Modelerのご紹介:複雑なモデリングの課題に取り組み、比類のない価値を提供する究極のソリューションです。
フィーチャー認識やフィーチャ除去などの高度なオペレータを使用して、データ準備とモデル簡略化プロセスを簡単に自動化し、製造および分析アプリケーションに対応します。CGM Polyhedraを統合することで、B-Repモデリングのパワーを拡張し、広範な多面体機能を解放して、ハイブリッドモデリング機能をツールキットにシームレスに組み込むことができます。
スペイシャルの専門家チームに支えられたCGM Modelerは、共同イノベーションを通じて継続的に進化し、お客様のアプリケーションが常に時代の先端を走り、将来の需要に対応できるようにします。
CGMには、より効率的な3Dモデリングを可能にするツールと技術が組み込まれています。これには、プロトタイピングとコラボレーションのための強力なプラットフォームである3DScriptが含まれ、アプリケーション開発者がPoC (Proof-of-Concept)を迅速に行えるように、迅速で軽量なプロトタイピングの代替手段を提供します。開発者は、コードをアプリケーションにカット・アンド・ペーストして、開発をさらに加速させることができます。
今日、設計者は、既存のモデルやデータを活用することによってプロジェクトを開始することができます。だからこそ、CGM モデラーは、この「再設計による設計」手法を活用するように設計されているのです。主要なCADフォーマットとの相互運用性のために、3D InterOpとの緊密な統合を提供します。ダッソー・システムズのV5および3DEXPERIENCEプラットフォームとのネイティブなB-Rep相互運用性により、既存モデルの完全な幾何学的および位相的整合性が維持されます。
CGM Modelerの完全な可能性をご覧ください。包括的な製品データシートをダウンロードして、この強力で多用途なモデリングソリューションの詳細をご覧ください。
Benefit from groundbreaking additions to precise modeling, such as automated healing, data preparation and data analysis.
Deliver automation in your application by removing hole or fillet features in one step without requiring user input.
Produce easy-to-interpret drawing data by calculating visible, hidden, silhouette and occluded lines of a 3D model from different perspectives.
Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.
Understand the necessity of translating 3D CAD data for application interoperability in PLM workflows.
XEOMETRIC's 2D/3D construction planning and mechanical engineering software gained advanced functionality with 3D ACIS Modeler and 3D InterOp.
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.
Understand the necessity of translating 3D CAD data for application interoperability in PLM workflows.
XEOMETRIC's 2D/3D construction planning and mechanical engineering software gained advanced functionality with 3D ACIS Modeler and 3D InterOp.
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
Discover how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s Automated Lightweighting and Support Creation capabilities.
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.