
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

애플리케이션의 자동화를 가능하게 하여 제조산업의 디지털 혁신을 주도 할 수 있습니다.

Spatial의3D소프트웨어 개발 키트(SDKs)와 전문지식을 활용하여, CAD설계에서 제조현장에 이르기까지의 원활한 협업 싸이클을 실현할 수 있습니다. Spatial SDK를 통해 처음과 끝의 전체 제조 워크 플로우를 포괄하는 완벽한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이에 따라서 주문 제조 및 대규모 생산에 필요한 혁신에 집중 할 수 있습니다.

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CAM엔지니어가 반복되는 설계 프로세스의 과정에서 CAD또는 CAE엔지니어와 협업하기 쉬운 애플리케이션의 구축

SpatialCGM Core Modeler3D InteropCAM엔지니어가 서로 다른 시스템의 CAD모델을 귀사의 애플리케이션에 빠르게 임포트하고 해석하는데 도움을 드립니다. 또한 직접 지오메트리 편집을 할 수있게 하는 최적화 뿐만 아니라 CAD엔지니어의 원래 설계 의도를 유지할 수 있게 지원 해 드립니다.

The Future of CAM Workflows

The Future of CAM Workflows

Why will an end user choose your machine or software over that of another supplier? While it may come down to features and ease of use, often the overriding criteria is how complete of a solution you can offer. When we think about the future of manufacturing workflows, several themes come to mind: customized parts, small lot sizes, time-saving operations, and more. There are problems and challenges to solve in Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, with new workflows being developed to solve them.

Topics Discussed in This Resource: 

  • CAM industry trends and challenges
  • Common CAM software workflows
  • Human-driven VS. machine-driven CAM programming
  • The benefits of self-driving CAM 
  • The workflow in action

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CAM애플리케이션 개발자는 Spatial3D SDK를 활용하여 다음과 같은 특징과 이점으로 애플리케이션을 향상 시킬 수 있습니다.

CAD Import

CAM엔지니어와 CAD/CAE엔지니어간의 협업 향상

eBooks, White Papers, and Case Studies:

Healing as an Essential Function

Healing as an Essential Function: 

Learn why healing of 3D models is required, what actions 3D InterOp performs prior to healing, and details of the healing process.

eBook – Healing as an Essential Function: Preserving Design Intent in 3D Models
The Benefits of Using SDK Technology

The Benefits of Using SDK Technology

Software development toolkits (SDKs) are now used by almost every CAD/CAM vendor in one form or another. Popular applications included 3D geometric modeling, data translation,  visualization, toolpath generation and simulation.

Why are SDKs so popular in the CAD/CAM industry? This white paper takes a look at SDK technology, the benefits and return on investment.

Read Now
Borm Infomatik Success Story

Borm Infomatik Success Story

Cut the cost of development; Shortened the time for delivering new features; Provided leading edge modeling technology; Eased upgrade process when new version arrives on market

Download the Borm-Infomatik Case Study
Case Study - 3D-Tool

3D-Tool Success Story

3D-Tool, a leading provider of stand-alone 3D model viewing and analysis software, needed to meet customer requirements to work with native CAD file formats within 3D-Tool CAD Viewer. By implementing 3D InterOp they increased their year-over-year revenues by more than 30 percent.

Download the 3D-Tool Case Study
Case Study - FCC

FCC Software Success Story

Leading provider of CAD/CAM software for the sheet metal manufacturing industry uses 3D ACIS Modeler to enable robust 3D modeling and simulation capabilities.

Gain Access to a Case Study on FCC Software

Related Videos:

Webinar - Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
On-Demand Webinar: Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
Learn how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity
Webinar - Spatial is your Solution Advisor
On-Demand Webinar: Spatial is Your Solution Advisor
Learn how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.
Webinar - Spatial, Your Trusted Partner in 3D Innovation
On-Demand Webinar - Spatial, Your Trusted Partner in 3D Innovation

Related Products:

CGM Modeler
The ultimate modeling technology for next generation 3D applications
3D InterOp
3D InterOp
Integrate and reuse 2D & 3D data in engineering workflows
3D Precise Mesh
3D Precise Mesh
The trusted industrial solution for robust and automated meshing
CGM Polyhedra
CGM Polyhedra
Advanced modeling operators for polygonal 3D models
HOOPS Visualize
HOOPS Visualize
The gold standard for graphics engine for developing high-performance applications
Constraint Design Solver
Constraint Design Solver
Geometric Constraint Solver for 2D & 3D models
“Our partnership with Spatial has worked very smoothly for more than a decade. Their understanding and respect for us as a small software developer has enabled our long-term relationship.”

Arto Hannula
AutoPOL Product Manager



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