用于增材制造的 3D SDK

解决几何形状不正确、壁薄、面缺失和方向等常见问题,确保模型为 3D 打印做好准备。互操作性


利用 3D InterOp 无缝导入 CAD
Spatial 的快速成型制造工具包包括 3D InterOp,它可实现一流的 CAD 导入,并能专业地处理 B-rep 几何图形和非精确几何图形。它使您的应用程序能够以无缝、统一的方式处理多种 CAD 格式。
先进的 B-rep 和多面体建模功能
CGM 是我们功能强大的建模工具,其附加功能 CGM 多面体可提供几何特征识别、剔除、B-rep 直接编辑、愈合和清理等建模功能。小于打印机分辨率的特征通常需要在打印后通过机械加工添加到零件上。几何功能允许软件自动识别和移除低于打印机分辨率的特征,并利用小孔位置和尺寸信息驱动二次加工操作。

打印实体几何体通常会使用过量的材料,并在冷却过程中产生热变形。薄壁实体可以使用更少的材料打印出相同的外部形状,并产生更少的热量。Spatial 行业领先的三维建模器可提供三维模型的完整边界表示,使您能够在打印前以可控壁厚对实体进行加壳,并在承重区域指定额外厚度。
通过在预定义空间中嵌套多个零件实例,实现规模化制造。二维和三维排版允许在所有三个方向对零件进行定向和排版。通过自动调整零件方向来优化支持材料体积,从而最大限度地降低材料成本。这通常用于不需要生成支撑材料的 3D 打印应用。

通过自动支撑区计算、线(非实体)支撑以及锥体和体积(实体)支撑,改善散热并自动生成支撑。这非常适合 PBF 等金属打印工艺。

Spatial SDK 可优化快速成型制造工作流程,利用
Spatial 从始至终支持您的增材制造工作流程。
软件公司的独特需求。无论您是三维打印机的 OEM 还是 AM 行业的 ISV,我们的
SDK 都将帮助您实现开发目标。

3D InterOp 支持导入各种 CAD 数据格式。
支持的一些 CAD 格式包括 STL、3MF、OBJ、AMF、CATIA、SolidWorks、NX、STEP 和 IGES。在此查看完整列表(链接三维互操作页面)
ACIS 和 CGM 多面体提供自动修复功能,确保脏的 STL 数据可以轻松修复并准备用于打印。


先进的自动 2D、2.5D 和 3D 排版实现高效制造
我们的自动 2D、2.5D 和 3D 嵌套功能可在预定义空间内精确放置多个零件实例,从而显著提高制造效率。

该技术可计算支撑区域,并提供多种支撑形状,确保每个印刷品都能得到充分的支撑,从而获得高质量的效果。该工艺非常适合 PBF 等金属打印工艺。

为什么要使用Spatial SDK?

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins
Explore scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer complete solutions, impacting revenue and margins.
A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.
Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application
Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

Additive Manufacturing - Top 5 Ways to Increase Revenue and Margins
Explore scenarios for Additive Manufacturing OEMs to offer complete solutions, impacting revenue and margins.
A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.
Enable Automatic Supports Creation in your 3D Printing Application
Explore our new additive manufacturing capabilities within CGM Modeler in this webinar.

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.
Technical Series: Enable Automated Lightweighting of Parts and Creation of Supports for Additive Manufacturing
Discover how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s Automated Lightweighting and Support Creation capabilities.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

Technical Series: Enable Automated Lightweighting of Parts and Creation of Supports for Additive Manufacturing
Discover how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s Automated Lightweighting and Support Creation capabilities.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.

CGM Modeler: A Platform for Innovation
Learn how CGM Modeler enables application development for creating, modifying, querying, and visualizing 3D data across industries.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.
8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize
Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.
5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler
Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.
The Future of CAM Workflows
Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.
Automatic CAM (ACAM) in Subtractive CNC Machining
Discover Automatic CAM, the enabling processes, and its application benefits.
8 Reasons Why Developers Switch to HOOPS Visualize
Learn why companies transition from homegrown graphics solutions to HOOPS Visualize and what the switch entails.
5 Essential Functions of 3D ACIS Modeler
Explore the core functions of 3D ACIS Modeler: creating, modifying, querying, managing, verifying, and healing.
The Future of CAM Workflows
Explore current and future Computer-Aided Manufacturing workflows and ways to enhance CAM.
