利用Spatial技术彻底改变 CAE 工作流程
Spatial 用于 CAE 应用程序的软件开发工具包(SDK)可帮助公司创建自动仿真工作流程,在保持高效的同时与几何形状保持紧密联系。让我们的技术提升您的技术。

使用空间 SDK
创建仿真软件的公司需要为客户提供模型离散化、运行仿真以及从 B-Rep CAD 到网格的服务。开发内部解决方案可能很诱人,也很有价值,因为这可以确保客户使用的软件质量,并完全控制工作流程。
CAE 软件用户需要软件来了解整个工作流程中使用的多个数据源之间的关系,并建立能够适应上游或迭代设计和仿真变化的工作流程。
Spatial 的 SDK 使应用开发人员能够构建集成的工程仿真解决方案,从而更准确地预测产品设计在真实环境中的表现。我们提供的价值在于让您能够专注于您的求解器。我们的 SDK 能够从多种文件格式中导入数据,使您能够为各种应用自动生成高质量的网格。
作为 CAE 软件开发团队、
确保各种 3D 模型格式的无缝集成。
优化算法,高效处理大型 3D 数据集。
我们的 SDK 如何解决
您的 CAE 挑战

高质量 CAD 输入和数据准备
3D InterOp 支持一流的 CAD 输入,并能专业地处理 B-Rep 和非精确几何图形。它能让您的应用程序以无缝、统一的方式处理各种 CAD 格式。
数据准备扩展了 3D InterOp,使开发人员更容易自动生成最佳 3D 数据。例如,通过自动移除三维模型中的特征来简化仿真工作流程。

我们的三维精密网格套件具有广泛的网格生成功能,可对结果进行高度控制,从而根据您的 CAE 应用精确定制网格生成。我们还提供基于新架构的下一代网格产品:聚合曲面网格器(CSM)和聚合体积网格器(CVM),通过现代 API,可以更快地创建更可靠的工作流程。

HOOPS Visualize 可用于 CAE 流程的后处理步骤。3D InterOp 支持材料属性导入,以便正确模拟建模。

专为 CAE 工作流程打造的功能
还是快速计算,Spatial SDKs 的功能都将帮助您实现开发目标。
Spatial SDK 的功能将帮助您实现开发目标。

高质量 CAD 输入和模型准备
3D InterOp 可实现快速、精确的 CAD 导入,并能专业地处理 B-Rep 和非精确几何体。 数据预处理扩展了 3D InterOp,可让您识别并消除给模型增加不必要复杂性的多余细节。它通过降低模型复杂度来简化网格划分过程,并增强布尔运算性能,尤其是在处理大量体时。这将为各种应用带来更高效、更简化的建模体验。

Spatial 的产品组合现在包括最先进的网格生成技术,可满足不同仿真领域的独特要求。这项功能的重点是提高网格的质量,确保它们完全符合每个仿真领域的特定需求。无论是工程、设计还是科学研究,该网格技术都能提供最佳结果。

从 CAD 导入和准备到网格划分(曲面和体网格)、求解器/分析集成以及返回 CAD,您将在工作流程中体验到行业级的强大功能。该功能专为无懈可击的仿真驱动建模流程而设计,能够轻松高效地处理复杂的工业几何形状。它可确保为各种工业应用提供无缝、稳健的工作流程。

从 CAD 生成复杂的曲面网格
曲面网格化组件可将 CAD 设计转化为高质量的曲面网格。通过该组件,您可以控制网格大小参数,选择元素类型(包括二次元),同时保留关键实体。该功能用途广泛,支持各种选项,如补丁独立性和周期性。曲面网格化工作流程保持一致,确保相同的网格质量和控制。它提供对元素大小和形状的局部和全局控制,以及基于曲率的大小和梯度控制,确保为任何应用创建合适的网格。

为什么要使用Spatial SDK?

Stäubli Elevated Their Offerings and Capabilities with Spatial's SDKs
Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022 offered optimized features for complex automation scenarios, enabled by Spatial’s CGM Modeler.
Virtual Motion Cut Development Time by 50%
Virtual Motion integrated the 3D ACIS modeling engine and leveraged AGM and HOOPS to accelerate DAFUL software development, bringing a new product to market quickly.
ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

Virtual Motion Cut Development Time by 50%
Virtual Motion integrated the 3D ACIS modeling engine and leveraged AGM and HOOPS to accelerate DAFUL software development, bringing a new product to market quickly.
ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Enable Auto-Merge of CAD Design Updates
Discover how your 3D application can allow seamless, iterative collaboration between multiple users with CAD Associativity.

Accelerate your 3D Application’s Development with AGM
Learn how you can significantly speed up your application’s development with AGM’s extensive, out-of-the-box, advanced code base.
ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Enable Super-Fast Review of Large Models
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.

Spatial is Your Solution Advisor
Discover how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.

ACIS Polyhedra - Mesh Handling for ACIS Customers
Convert ACIS B-Rep bodies into meshes or import meshes directly into 3D ACIS Modeler for advanced model manipulation and preparation.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Enable Super-Fast Review of Large Models
Learn how to optimize large data handling with fast visualization and delayed BRep loading.

Spatial is Your Solution Advisor
Discover how Spatial’s Professional Services can help you build the perfect 3D application for your needs.

ABB's Programming Without Shutting Down Production
ABB’s Robotics Division used RobotStudio software for PC-based robot programming, boosting productivity without production shutdowns.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors
InnovMetric provided their automotive and aerospace customers with top CAD translators in PolyWorks® by selecting Spatial InterOp software.
3D-Tool Maximized Customer License Upgrades
3D-Tool expanded Viewer functionality to native CAD formats like CATIA V5 and Pro/E, enabling users to view and translate native CAD files without costly conversion.
Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%
Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
InnovMetric Eliminated Nearly 100% of Their Translation Errors
InnovMetric provided their automotive and aerospace customers with top CAD translators in PolyWorks® by selecting Spatial InterOp software.
3D-Tool Maximized Customer License Upgrades
3D-Tool expanded Viewer functionality to native CAD formats like CATIA V5 and Pro/E, enabling users to view and translate native CAD files without costly conversion.
Dukin Co Slashed Development Costs by 50%
Dukin used 3D ACIS Modeler to focus on core technology, reducing time spent on solid modeling and accelerating new product development.
