面向制造软件供应商的 3D SDK
您是否希望在制造应用中实现自动化?您是否希望将以前的设计编辑无缝自动合并到一个最终模型中?将Spatial软件开发工具包(SDK)用于三维建模、CAD 转换和可视化,可以简化制造流程,提供极具竞争力的集成解决方案。

确保 CAD、CAM 和 CAE 应用程序之间顺利进行数据交换。
利用强大的 3D 建模 SDK,缩短产品上市时间。
CAD 更新
构建处理缺失功能的工具,实现 CAD 版本的无缝更新。

使用我们的 SDK

高质量 CAD 翻译的数据互操作性
- 利用 3D InterOp 获得高质量的 CAD 数据转换,实现产品结构、图形和几何形状的精确导入,同时保留设计意图和 PMI。
- 利用 Spatial 的数据预处理优化三维数据,采用先进的算法,通过过滤和压缩减少模型的复杂性和大小。

用于加工操作的 3D 建模功能
- 3D ACIS Modeler 是传统的建模器,35 年来已有数百万用户使用。CGM Modeler 是 Spatial 的下一代建模器,具有先进的特征识别和挫败功能,支持多种加工操作的制造特征。这些建模内核的强大功能使开发人员能够在集成解决方案中提供最佳精度、灵活性和可用性的解决方案。

成熟的 3D 应用程序开发框架
- AGM 是一个多功能综合三维应用程序开发框架。它为创建强大的 3D 应用程序提供工具,与所有其他 Spatial SDK 无缝集成,并提供快速碰撞检查,从而为制造过程提供准确可靠的模拟。

- 高层与车间之间的有效整合与沟通至关重要。Spatial解决方案是缩小这一差距的关键。CGM Modeler 和 3D InterOp 可以将各种系统中的 CAD 模型导入到您的应用程序中,从而为 CAM 工程师提供支持。这些工具通过快速精确的几何编辑和生成刀具路径计算,促进了模型的分析和优化。

CGM Modeler 和 3D InterOp 工作时:导入零件,自动检测弯曲、

大型 CAD 装配导入
3D InterOp 为导入大型 CAD 装配体提供了先进的支持,确保流畅、高效地处理复杂的设计。这一功能对于保持逼真度和性能至关重要,使用户能够在不影响速度或准确性的情况下处理详细的装配体。

高质量 CAD 数据翻译
3D InterOp 提供最高质量的 CAD 数据转换,确保无缝输入和重复使用不同格式的现有模型。这一功能支持 CAD 数据在不同制造环境中的完整性和可用性。

语义 PMI 提取和自动化
利用 PMI Insights 实现制造自动化
3D InterOp 可从注释(包括符号线程)中提取语义信息,从而增强制造自动化。这样,无需 CAM 工程师的手动输入,即可实现零件的自动制造,从而简化了生产流程。

为什么使用Spatial SDK 进行开发?
3D 衍生功能
3D 生产模拟

Mitutoyo Supercharged Their 3D Interop Translation
Mitutoyo broadened the use of Spatial technology to other parts of the organization, such as machine configuration.
A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.
Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

Automated CAM Programming – Spatial & ModuleWorks
CAM software developers and machine builders can automate processes, reduce downtimes, and differentiate in the market with Spatial and ModuleWorks' expertise in automatic CAM solutions for prismatic parts.

A 3 Part Guide for Machine Tool Manufacturers
A 3-part guide for Machine Tool Suppliers on boosting hardware sales through software differentiation and choosing the right development toolkit.
Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

Automated CAM Programming – Spatial & ModuleWorks
CAM software developers and machine builders can automate processes, reduce downtimes, and differentiate in the market with Spatial and ModuleWorks' expertise in automatic CAM solutions for prismatic parts.

Renishaw Drastically Reduced the Need for STL File Healing
Renishaw integrated Spatial SDKs into QuantAM 2017, enabling users to build parts correctly the first time, preserving original design intent.
FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats
FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.
FCC Increased Production Time by 20x
A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

FVA Accelerated Support for New and Updated CAD Formats
FVA's solutions served the driveline industry with software capable of sophisticated simulations and detailed analyses of gearbox components.
FCC Increased Production Time by 20x
A leading CAM software provider for sheet metal manufacturing used 3D ACIS Modeler for robust 3D modeling and simulation.
LK Metrology Future Proofed their Application
LK Metrology was on a quest to maintain precision for their Coordinate Measuring Machines. They improved core application functionality through a development partnership with Spatial.
Learn How AGM Shortens Time-to-Market and Elevates Your Development
In this webinar, learn about Application Graphics Manager (AGM), its value, and how to implement it into your development process.

Automated CAM Programming – Spatial & ModuleWorks
CAM software developers and machine builders can automate processes, reduce downtimes, and differentiate in the market with Spatial and ModuleWorks' expertise in automatic CAM solutions for prismatic parts.
Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

Technical Series: Managing Complexity with the 3D ACIS Modeler
Learn how the 3D ACIS Modeler impacts your workflow, helps reconcile design changes, and simplifies your CAD process.

Bring Your Assembly Modeling to Life with Parametric Constraint Management
Learn how you can enable constraint management and assembly modeling in your 3D application with Spatial’s Constraint Design Solver SDK.

Expand the Scope of Your Application to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Discover how to handle both CAD and scanned data for hybrid manufacturing.

Quickly Detect Bends and Unfold Parts in Sheet Metal Manufacturing
Learn how your 3D application can leverage CGM Modeler’s robust automatic bend detection and unfolding capabilities.

Technical Series: Managing Complexity with the 3D ACIS Modeler
Learn how the 3D ACIS Modeler impacts your workflow, helps reconcile design changes, and simplifies your CAD process.